Welcome to Jewish Men as Allies, a hub for resources, programming, and information about allyship, healthy masculinity, and gender equity.

Consciously or unconsciously men are socialized to act, look, talk, think, and be a certain way. In addition, Jewish men receive messages from Jewish culture, religion, and community. We are asking Jewish men:

“What kind of man do you want to be?” rather than “Who does society tell you to be?” 

“What does it mean to be an ally?” 

“How do you want to impact your community?”

How do you mentsch?

JWI provides opportunities for Jewish men to talk to one another about masculinity, socialization, leadership, and community. Together we can change the culture, uplift positive norms and attitudes, and build gender equity in our homes, workplaces, schools, and synagogues.

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As a grantee of the U.S. Office on Violence Against Women, JWI is featured in the booklet Highlights from the Field: The Children and Youth and Engaging Men and Boys Grant Program, compiled by Serving Our Youth. View the booklet here (JWI is featured on p. 10).




At the Table

A facilitator-led program to equip male Jewish professionals, donors, and lay leaders to cultivate a workplace culture of safety, respect, and true equity, and to be allies for gender equity in the Jewish workplace.

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Boy to Mentsch

An initiative empowering the Orthodox Jewish community to embrace the Torah and Jewish values that can help young men become mentschen.

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As a Jewish Man

A documentary that explores diverse experiences at the intersection of religion, gender norms, family pressures and historical trauma through the stories of nine young men.

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Change the Culture

JWI’s partnership with Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, creating programmatic opportunities for college men to reevaluate societal norms, cultivate healthy masculinity, and build supportive communities as leaders, mentors, and allies.

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Get Smart

A unique national initiative educating Orthodox young adults and raising community awareness about healthy relationships and the halachic prenuptial agreement to prevent get abuse.

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