An innovative JWI program for boys and men in Orthodox communities, using Torah-based values to explore what it takes to be a mentsch.
Resolving Conflict
Being a Team Player
"Boy to Mentsch" is an initiative empowering the Orthodox Jewish community to embrace the Torah and Jewish values that can help young men become mentschen. The project emphasizes healthy masculinity and guides parents and boys to raise and become complete people who express themselves, care about others and thrive as good husbands, friends and members of the community. It encourages open communication, empathy, resolving conflict and being a team player.
“Boy to Mentsch” includes:
a workshop for boys ages 12-15
public awareness posters
tools for coaches
resources for parents
a film and discussion guide for a community event
“Boy to Mentsch” was widely implemented in Baltimore with programs taking place at Talmudic Academy (TA), Beth Tfiloh, Yeshiva Toras Chaim, Neimus HaTorah Sunday Jewish Little League, Congregation Ohel Moshe, Congregation Tiferes Yisroel, Congregation Beit Yaakov, Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion Congregation, Congregation Shomrei Emunah and the JCC-Park Heights.
Boy to Mentsch is available for implementation in any Orthodox community. To bring it to your community, email Deborah Rosenbloom.

Boy to Mentsch was recognized in the 2017 Slingshot Guide, the foremost comprehensive resource into today’s most groundbreaking and significant organizations, projects and programs of the North American Jewish community. Inclusion in the Guide acknowledges JWI as one of the best drivers of future Jewish life and engagement.